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Photo by David Becker / Unsplash

Water is such a simple thing, isn't it? We all know it's essential for life and that we need to drink enough to stay hydrated. But have you ever thought about why it's so crucial? Let me give you some motivational points:

The majority of our brain, about 77-85%, is composed of water. This water isn't stationary; it's continually moving, helping cells communicate and transporting nutrients to brain cells so they can function. Some parts of the brain even have a higher water content. Though our brains can withstand temporary dehydration due to things like exercise or heat, they quickly need to restore their water content. When we don't hydrate enough, our cognitive functions can dip significantly - in other words, we literally become less intelligent if we don't drink water.

Also, drinking water can kickstart our metabolism. The extent to which this happens can depend on your muscle mass and physical activity levels. So, while you can't increase your metabolic rate by 30% by just sipping water on your sofa, if you have a good muscle mass and stay active throughout the day, you could see a significant boost in your metabolic rate. The more active our metabolism, the more water our bodies need - it's an ongoing cycle. Remember, a healthy metabolism equals energy, wellness, and muscle health.

So why let ourselves become lethargic, unhealthy, and overweight by not drinking enough water?

Here are some strategies I've found helpful to increase water intake:

  1. Distribute water bottles and jars throughout your home or workplace. Not just any bottles - go for large ones. If you prefer flavored water, add ice and mint leaves. Aim to have 3-4 times your daily water intake handy so you'll only need to refill every few days.
  2. Start your day with a vitamin pill and a glass of water. It's a perfect way to sneak in that extra bit of hydration.
  3. Have different-sized water bottles ready to go: small ones for your backpack, larger ones for long car rides.
  4. On business trips, buy high-quality water sufficient for each day's needs, and ensure you finish your daily quota.
  5. Make it a habit to drink a full glass of water or a bottle before each video meeting.
The key here isn't to force yourself to drink more water, but to create a habit of always having water ready to drink.

Now, regarding the quality of water, it's true that not everyone has access to top-notch water. But remember this: unless you're drinking from BPA bottles every day, it's fine to use them occasionally. The principle to follow here is simple - drinking water (as long as it's clean) is better than not drinking at all. The trick lies in preparing.

If you plan ahead, you can ensure you always have good quality, filtered water ready, be it in glass jars around your house or metal or glass water bottles for when you're on the move. Preparation is the key! Let's make staying hydrated a top priority.

