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Meeting the requirements of various industry-specific regulations and standards can be challenging for an organization's Information Security Management System, especially if the organization is part of a larger global structure and/or have applicable requirements in several different countries. This step-by-step guide will help you approach compliance with legal and other requirements for ISO 27001: 2022.

We'll focus on three main areas:

identifying interested parties,

outlining internal and external issues,

and understanding product and service requirements.

Step 1: Make a List of Interested Parties

1.1. Write down all the people, organizations, or groups that can directly or indirectly impact your organization and its ISMS. These are called "interested parties." They might include customers, employees, suppliers, government agencies, and others.

1.2. Divide the interested parties into two categories: internal and external. Internal parties are those within your organization, like employees or shareholders. External parties are those outside your organization, like customers or regulators.

1.3. For each interested party, think about what IT security requirements they might have. For example, customers may expect their personal data to be protected, while employees may need training on security procedures.

Step 2: Outline Internal and External Issues

2.1. Think about the internal issues that could affect your business, company, or ISMS. Internal issues can include things like the company's organizational structure, available resources, or how well employees understand information security.

2.2. Next, consider the external issues that could affect your ISMS. These might be things like new technologies, changes in industry trends, or updates to legal and regulatory requirements.

2.3. Write down all the internal and external issues you've identified. You'll use this information later to help make sure your ISMS meets all necessary requirements.

Step 3: Make a List of Current and Future Products and Services

3.1. Create a list of all the products and services your organization offers now, as well as any you plan to offer in the future. This will help you understand what information security requirements might apply to each product or service.

3.2. For each product or service, think about what specific information security requirements might apply. For example, if your company processes personal data, you might need to comply with data protection regulations like GDPR or CCPA.

3.3. Write down any industry-specific regulations that apply to your organization. If your company operates in a heavily regulated industry like finance or healthcare, you may need to follow additional rules, like PCI-DSS or HIPAA.

