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I was on a flight for a business trip, settled into my seat, ready to relax and catch a movie or two. Little did I know that the journey would turn into an unexpected case study in information security. The man seated next to me opened his laptop and began working. Curiosity piqued, and I couldn't help but notice the sensitive information that flashed across his screen as he diligently prepared a financial report for his company.

For four hours, I inadvertently gained knowledge about his clients, vendors, intellectual property, and more. I tried to avert my gaze and focus elsewhere, but I couldn't help it - I'm an auditor with over 20 years of experience, and my eagle eyes are trained to pick up on the smallest details. It takes only a glimpse of information for me to piece together the bigger picture. In this case, I saw 10% and could easily infer the remaining 90%.

As entertaining as it was to unravel this puzzle, it also served as a stark reminder of the importance of information security. This man, likely a dedicated professional like myself, was unknowingly exposing his company to significant risk simply by working on his laptop in a public space. His oversight got me thinking about how employees can inadvertently compromise their organization's sensitive data and the steps companies must take to prevent such security breaches.

In the complex world of information security, organizations often focus on technical solutions, overlooking crucial management system challenges. As an auditor with years of experience working with top companies, I've identified five non-technical challenges that are often missed but have a significant impact on the effectiveness of an #InformationSecurity Management System (#ISMS). In this article, "Top 5 Overlooked Information Security Management System Challenges and How to Overcome Them," I'll share these insights, providing practical solutions for a well-rounded and secure approach. If you're interested in strengthening your organization's security posture by addressing these commonly overlooked management aspects, this article will offer valuable guidance to help you stay ahead in the cybersecurity game.

1 Lack of employee awareness: Employees may not be adequately trained in information security practices, which can lead to data breaches or security incidents.

2 Compliance with regulations: Ensuring that an organization's ISMS meets the requirements of various industry-specific regulations and standards can be challenging.

3 Incident response and recovery: Developing and implementing an effective incident response plan can be challenging, particularly in the face of a rapidly evolving threat landscape.

4 Maintaining security while enabling remote work: Ensuring the security of data and systems when employees are working remotely can present unique challenges.

5 Third-party risks: Outsourced services or third-party vendors can introduce security risks that are difficult to manage and mitigate.

I've prepared a series of articles that will dive deep into each challenge, making it super easy for you to understand and deal with them.

By sharing these often-overlooked challenges, I hope to help you take a huge step in making your organization's security even better. Don't miss out on this chance to boost your security game – keep an eye out for my upcoming articles

